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Ten Simple And Easy Tips To Be Productive

Writer's picture: Jhooonnn RaaayyyJhooonnn Raaayyy

In today’s generation and busy world, we usually find it difficult to know how our daily lives make some sense of satisfaction. We tend to be unproductive and frustrated on how things are going. We pour our 100 percent effort into doing something as much as we can, but there are times when there’s just so much to do that we can’t seem to focus on just one thing anymore. Learning the process of being productive and staying focused can be a challenge, whether it be at work or at home. Here, we list some of the simple and easy ways to be more productive and

creative which helps you achieve great things in your day.

Tip 1: Eat a Hearty Breakfast!

Starting your day with a healthy, filling breakfast is one of the most productive things to do in life. Have you heard that breakfast is the most important meal of the day? Well, that is definitely true!

Did you know that right foods to refuel your body when you wake up improves concentration and memory throughout the day? When we sleep, our body is still at work, rejuvenating after a long day of mental and physical activity. So we need to start our day with our body fueled and energized.

A healthy breakfast meal should somehow contain a variety of foods, including fruits, vegetables, whole grains, low- or nonfat dairy, and lean protein. The benefits of a healthy breakfast go beyond just a boost in the brain.

According to Mayo Clinic, adults who were reported regularly eating a healthy breakfast are more likely to:

Eat more vitamins and minerals.

Control their weight. Research suggests that consuming most of your daily calories in the morning can aid in weight loss.

Control their blood sugar levels — which is important in preventing or controlling diabetes.

Eat less fat and cholesterol.

Perform better at work.

Tip 2: Healthy Sleeping Habits

Learning how to be productive means putting importance on getting quality sleep. When you haven’t gotten enough sleep the night before, you dread the reality of the next day. You hear the alarm go off, and hit the snooze button numerous times. You feel tired and already have the

difficulty concentrating even before you officially start your day.

Our body needs sleep to rest and recharge. Lack of sleep affects our brain’s ability to learn and retain information. It impairs our cognitive functions. When you’re sleep-deprived, you’ll have more trouble focusing on the task at hand. A recent study also showed that lack of sleep is a stronger predictor of burnout than stressful work demands. Getting an optimal amount of sleep boosts your mood and infuses your body with extra energy.

Tip 3: Take a Break and Recharge

When you are working continuously on a given task, this sets mental and physical fatigue. Another trick on this one is taking short breaks in between bouts of work.

If you felt drained at the end of your workday, and feel you haven’t accomplished much and that you can’t focus on anything, it’s usually a sign that you need to take a pause on what you are doing. A recent study shows that even brief diversions from a task can dramatically improve one’s ability to focus on that task for prolonged periods of time. Taking breaks to help regain our focus, sharpness, and motivation. If you want to learn how to be productive, recharging your brain and body is one of the best things to do on your workday.

Tip 4: Move Around

Most jobs require employees to sit for a very long period of time, which poses risks on health – whether it’s lower back pain, tight neck, or even eye strain. According to Dr. James Levine of Mayo Clinic-Arizona State University (ASU) “sitting is the new smoking.” Multiple research that supports his claim. This is because of the health risks associated with a sedentary lifestyle. Standing desks is on the rise and a growing number of companies like Google and Facebook allow standing desks due to their health benefits. Zero Gravity Tables conducted a survey of standing desks users and their results were phenomenal.

Movement and exercise stimulate flow throughout the body while reducing discomfort, back, and neck pain. Thus, increases both energy and attentiveness. Studies also recommend that stretching and moving around or simply getting up from your desk at regular intervals throughout the day can help enhance your work and boost your productivity. This one is closely tied to the previous tip, which is taking short breaks. Stretching and walking around the office (or your house) can be very beneficial not only to your attention and focus but also to your overall health, specifically to your muscles and circulation.

Tip 5: Beautify your Workspace

Did you know that improving your mood at work can also be an answer to productivity? Personalize your workspace. Add some color. Let in the light or even add a plant.

Studies suggest that individuals may consciously or subconsciously take comfort from the items with which they surround themselves while working. These items may help maintain emotional energy in the face of the stress, distractions, and difficulties that come from their

work. According to a study on workplace and productivity, the most significant factor in determining an employee’s ability to focus on is their physical environment. A Huffington Post article once states:

“How you use your workspace, from the way you sit to the way you decorate, can influence overall productivity and creativity.”

Tip 6: Reward and Pamper Yourself!

Getting into that focused mindset where you just work continuously lest you lose your momentum, sometimes work will be easy if there is an equal activity that can create something joyful. You’ve done great and worked hard all day, ticking everything off your task list, so what’s next on your to-do list?

Why not reward yourself with your favorite drink or go to your favorite dinner with friends after work just to celebrate. A chocolate treat perhaps? Who doesn’t love chocolate? Did you know that highly motivated people are more productive? And one of a very effective way to increase your motivation in boosting your productivity is rewarding oneself.

Thinking that there is something that gives you joy waiting for you at the end of your workday is a good method to encourage yourself to reach greater heights at your work. The 100 Simple Secrets of Successful People surmised that researchers find that the most significant factor in predicting dedication and satisfaction toward work is perceived self-interest, where the rewards one believes are at stake. It accounts for about 75 percent of personal motivation toward accomplishment.

Tip 7: Listen to Music

One of the most underrated productive things to do when working is the power of music. For some people, a too quiet atmosphere does not help to get them in the zone. They use music to gain focus at work — a fact that is backed by science wherein listening to melodic sounds helps to stimulate the release of dopamine in the brain, thus creating a feeling of well-being.

Research suggests that music aids in the efficiency of performing repetitive tasks. Some studies show people who listened to music had better ideas and completed their tasks faster, due to their better mood.

Based on Music Works research, music can motivate your staff, boost morale, and create a better working environment. This was justified by 65% of businesses where they say that music in the workplace makes people more productive.

And, of course, music beats boredom! We plug in those earphones to escape from a too noisy or too quiet environment and add more zest to our monotonous jobs. If you’re that person who's eager to learn how to be productive at work, try to tune into your favorite playlist the next time you’re working on your report and enjoy the calmness of

having music at your ears.

Tip 8: Read Inspirational Books

Reading can help reduce stress, according to a University of Sussex research. In the study, psychologists found that reading worked the best in reducing stress by 68%, more so than listening to music, having a cup of coffee or tea, or taking a walk, all of which lowered stress levels by 61%, 54%, and 42%, respectively. Books are the foundation of success and the only habit that all successful men have in common. Taking lessons from what you’ve read and applying it to yourself is one of the most

important reasons to dwell with books. There are plenty of takeaways from the ideas and insights and the results from others’ experiences which make them very powerful in inspiring and motivating us to make things happen too. Reading can be one of the most incredibly productive things to do in life, but only if you apply the knowledge you gain.

Tip 9: Think Positive, Be Positive

When you’re stressed out it’s difficult to be productive. Dealing with deadlines, problems, or an overwhelming amount of work that needs to be finished is the cause of the insufficient amount of focus in a particular work. In a Huffington Post article, The Science of Positive Thinking, research reveals that positive thinking is about much more than just being happy or displaying an upbeat attitude. Positive thoughts and ideas can actually create real value in your life and help you build skills that last much longer than a smile.

A positive mentality greatly contributes and help you to be productive. You can develop new ideas, solve issues, and manage to deal with other people. When you’re happy, work doesn’t seem so much like work. Time goes by faster, and things become easier as you’re more open to taking on new challenges. You are becoming more productive and efficient by making the conscious decision to think positively.

Tip 10: Say No!

Learn to Say No to distractions! Are you the people-pleaser kind who always gets out of their way to help others? Yes, it feels good to help. But this can also take up a lot of your time and effort. There’s a lot of distractions every day. It’s always good to help, but you have to know

priorities. It is best to eliminate as many distractions as possible to get things done, especially when you have commitments and a looming deadline to meet. It is true that it’s hard to say no but keep in mind that over-committing to different activities even if it is physical or mental may increase your stress, fatigue, and risk burnout. Over time, you will feel less engaged, and your productivity will fall. We’re not saying that you stop helping people when you can, but the better you get at saying “No”, the more productive you’ll be.

Final thoughts...

These are only the easiest ways that you need to keep in mind just to be productive, not only in your workplace but also in your daily life experiences. Always remember that your productivity hinges on not only your motivation and focus but also on your current health and

mindset. Someday, if you don’t take serious time on this matter, you’ll just find yourself being exhausted on simple things you encounter. But, if there comes a time that you ever find that you’ve somehow overburdened yourself with tasks necessary to run your business and your productivity is suffering for it, here’s a bonus tip:

Hire a Virtual Assistant from The Virtual Hub!

So you can delegate your tasks that really hamper your higher value products and gives you extra time to your other important engagement.

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